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Outdoor Lighting Layout Form

If you don’t have enough project information to fill out the form, we might not have enough information to run an accurate layout.  Please use the data points on this form to gather the correct information from the site.

Do you need an Indoor Layout?

The form is a little different for indoor verses an outdoor lighting layout.  Click on this box to move over to the correct form.  Please fill out the data points on that form for us to run a layout based upon your project application.


10 + 8 =

The calculations and results provided by this form are preliminary and are based solely and exclusively on information supplied by the distributor, user or third parties that have not been tested or verified by Green Lighting LED for accuracy, completeness and/or reliability. To the extent that design metrics such as geometry, mounting height, surface reflectance, and depreciation factors must be verified, Green Lighting LED is not responsible, nor can it guarantee the results of that verification. Results are not warrantied regarding actual light levels of the final installation. Green Lighting LED shall not be assessed any responsibility or liability for errors, omissions or inadequacies in the information contained herein or for the interpretations thereof.  By using any tools Green Lighting LED provides, user hereby indemnifies Green Lighting LED in connection with any results or installation problems that may not be satisfactory or as expected.  GREEN LIGHTING LED HEREBY DISCLAIMS ALL EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES THAT COULD BE RELATED TO THE ACCURACY, COMPLETENESS OR ADEQUACY OF THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS REPORT, THE RESULTS ACHIEVED USING THAT INFORMATION, AND DOES NOT WARRANT THE ENCLOSED DATA  REGARDING SUITABILITY OR COMPLETENESS FOR SATISFYING ANY APPLICABLE CODE REQUIREMENTS.